Friday, January 25, 2008

The Answer, The Reasons, The Change of The Seasons

Banalitatea vietii de zi cu zi inca ma surprinde, cum de ne-am obisnuit cu rasaritul soarelui, cu miracolul perfectiunii fiintei umane. De ce avem nevoie pentru a fi surprinsi? Probabil avem nevoie de o alta planeta, una pe care soarele sa nu rasara atat de des, una care sa aiba luna in culori diferite si fata de care stelele sa isi schimbe in permanenta vizibil distanta. Sau de o experienta à la Gregor Samsa, trezindu-ne din somn cu corpuri ce nu ne apartin. - Asta ne-ar lipsi pentru a iesi din cercul nostru stramt, cel al propiei pieli, asta ne-ar face sa fim umili si poate in final un pic mai fericiti.

Si totusi unde-am pierdut inocenta,
În dimineti obsedant de banale,

Pe care-o purtam totusi în noi,
Rapusa, etern semn de tradare?

Si totusi cum am uitat într-o zi
Seninatatea boltii solare
Ce stralucea în ochi inocenti
Nepatati de îndemnuri murdare?

Si totusi când am murit, bieti copii,
Surâzând si cu mâini preacurate,
Facând loc unor necunoscuti,

Ce se-nfunda-n placeri vinovate?

Si totusi cum va veni primavara
În lumi de sticla, înecate de Crivat,
Va mai putea steaua noastra razbi,
Prin norii-unei inimi sub înghet?

Si totusi la care raspântii,
Am gresit noi, epave batrâne?
Sa facem loc, suntem fara raspuns,
Copiilor, epave de mâine.

Poem by

P.S. Message to the humans:
Everything is packed - candyfloss and oxygen
We're not coming back

Each Paraghraph Begins With An I

I'm sick of this cold weather, it makes my stomach shiver on the inside. My exams are definite maybes, my "study group" came over the other day and the result was a white night, way to many maps we began and never finished, stuff in the air and s*** like that.
I went out with the girls today, couldn't even enjoy my drink (and the future is as deep as my throat). I was all dressed up in lace, but couldn't seem to find my space, I need a change of pace, change of face.
I'm tired as hell, thinking of people and things I shouldn't be thinking of, but I'm also drawing again, after a long while now. I had just realized how much I missed it, and loved it and just how much it calms me.
I took a baby to the park today, I put his little coat on and everything, it felt so nice. The sun was up and the swing seemed so light and the air was fresh with the coming of the spring. False alarm, there are -5 degrees Celsius and there's a vicious wind blowing, and my eager feet almost froze in the way-to-thin classy shoes.

Monday, January 21, 2008

We are... Wait, what are we really?

Art history, what the ... ? But are you sure, how about the money, the career, your future, your kids ? (I'm 19!) You're not beautiful enough to marry rich. (By the way, have you gained weight?) Oh, now you're just being difficult.

The Beginning
I like lots of things, maybe I'd like even more if only I knew them. I read, I draw, I take photos, I'm an annoying self-assured little thing that can charm herself out of sticky situations. I'm me and I found something I'm good at, and I mean really good at. And it's interesting and different, and all in all just my cup of tea, it's what I like.

The Choice
And then I arrived. I didn't expect much, I raised myself to be like this, and it was confusing, and stressing and messed-up, but I was happy to be here none the less. Sure it's not sunshine all the time, it's mostly boring, but it's my cross to bear, besides I look around and bless my cynicism for not expecting more - like most people did.

The Consequence (so far)
I met people. Each one different, each here in the same place, each for a different reason, but still together... We were set apart from day 1, confused, then ignored, then confused again, then messed with, and finally confused. But you know what? We're (more or less - obviously) together, in the same fishbowl so to speak. We are the minority, and we'll one day rule the world. So this is for everyone who is looking to find the truth in art, and searching for it in U.B.B Cluj.

Currently blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts!

Over and Out.